Kony 2012, One Year Later

¿Quien es Joseph Kony?

Who is Joseph Kony? (Photo credit: Jennol)

One year ago today, Invisible Children launched a short film online [viewable here] to stop Joseph Kony, the Ugandan LRA leader. Over the last year, the YouTube version of the film has been viewed more than 96 million times. On Vimeo, the film’s original host, it has been viewed 18.4 million times.

A year ago when the video was released I wrote something calling into question the ‘activists’ that are interested in bringing Kony down. I put activists in quotation marks because, what exactly did they do? For about a month my social networks were filled with phrases like “Stop Kony” or “Make Kony Famous” but when the hype from the video died down, so did the ‘activists’ or slacktivists as they should be more appropriately called. Continue reading